Iron Canyon in Park City, Utah is a beautiful, secluded trail that overlooks the Park City valley and the ski resorts. On a clear day you can see all the way out to the Uinta Mountains. The trail is more popular in winter as a fun sledding spot, but my favorite time to go is in early Summer when everything is turning green again. Most of the mountain is on private land, but the Iron Canyon trail allows for public access.
The most difficult part about this hike is the parking – there are only 4 legal spots, and in summer months they are often filled by the neighbors throwing parties. Weekends and warm days will be harder to get parking, so I suggest hiking here during the week after work. Not only will you get in a quick work out, but also fantastic views.
** UPDATE July 2021: The nearby land owners are now cracking down on hikers using this trail, stating that is is no longer “public access”. Hike at your own risk. **
** UPDATE July 2021: Directions are no longer posted due to “public access” issues. Hike at your own risk. **
Trail Info
Distance: 2 miles RT
Elevation gain: 920 ft
Time: 1-2 hours
Dog friendly? Yes, on leash (but can be off leash with an eCollar in Summit county)
Kid friendly? Yes
Fees/permits? None
The trail starts at the end of the cul-de-sac, by a No Parking sign. You’ll immediately hike over an in-ground flat water tank cover. In Spring, this first section can be a bit muddy.
At 0.10 miles, you will cut through the first open meadow then be right back in the trees.
Fall is sooo pretty! We actually saw a coyote cross the trail just ahead of us, and moose are also in the area.
Around 0.6 miles you will be hiking through dense pine trees. In summer and fall, this section is well shaded and beautiful!
Same section of trees but in October!
The trail gets a little steeper as you continue higher, but it’s not too bad.
Eventually you’ll be hiking through more coniferous trees.
At your first trail split, veer left to the rocky overlook.
At the overlook! You will see a memorial bench to sit on, and great views of the ski resorts and Park City.
Taking in the view…
Panorama from the overlook – Park City to the left, Jupiter Peak to the far right. Park City Mountain Resort are the ski runs you can see.
Trail Map
Iron Canyon trail map
The trail does continue past this overlook to the ridge. It will put you in a neighborhood. You can also take the Mid-Mountain trail, or hike up to Iron Mountain peak. To get to the ridge, simply go back to the trail split, and hike up (West) to the ridge.
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