Deuel Creek (pronounced like do-ell) is located along the East bench in Centerville, UT just south of Parrish Creek and north of Holbrook Canyon.
Deuel Creek is sometimes shown as Centerville Creek on older maps – whatever you prefer to call it, this trail is great for the whole family. It follows the creek the entire way, crosses several bridges, passes by a fun rope swing, and leads to a waterfall. What’s great about this trail is that it is shaded for most of the hike. Dogs will appreciate the water and shade in summer, and kids will find that this hike isn’t too hard for their little legs either. There is an option to follow the North of South Deuel Creek Trail – this guide will be for the South trail.
If driving from SLC, use this map.
You will be driving up a dirt road for about 1/2 mile. My little Sonata was unable to make it, so if you have a small car you may need to park further down the road, then walk up to the official TH.
Trail Info
Distance: 4 mi RT
Elevation Gain: 1,167 ft
Time: 2-3 hours
Dog friendly? Yes, off leash
Kid friendly? Yes
Fees/Permits? None
Deuel Creek South TH
You will start out by hiking on the south side of Deuel Creek. This section has the least shade. Once you drop down to the creek it’s well shaded.
Crossing the first of 8 bridges total. The creek was raging! We wore our water/hiking shoes for this trail.
This trail has a lot of ups and downs, but overall only gains 1,167 ft.
The trail is marked with mileage signs.
Around 1.2 miles you will hike right past the rope swing. It’s really fun and can even hold adults! My friend Dan gives me a push!
You will also pass several campsites. This was probably the nicest one. Somebody put in a lot of work here – nailed down logs to create seats, nice fire ring, clean, etc.
After you hike over several bridges and take one stream crossing (why you need water shoes), you’ll reach the Deuel Creek Waterfall!
You can hike down to the base of the falls. Be careful, as everything was really slippery.
Charlie looks so pathetic here! I think he wants to say, “Mom, I’m too old to be held!”
Raging waters!
Looking down Deuel Creek Waterfall from the top. There was another campsite right here too.
This is such a great hike for those hot summer days!
December 2018
Very pretty in Winter!
Winter Wonderland!
When you try to get a cute photo but your dog nose-blocks you!
July 2020
The summer flow was perfect to stand under!
Trail Map
My track via Gaia GPS – the best tracking app! Get your app here for a discount.
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