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Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, draper alien tower

The Deer Ridge Off Leash Area is a fun area for hikers & bikers to explore above Point of the Mountain with their dogs and kids. This area is also known as the “Alien Tower.”


From the ridge you can see into Utah and Salt Lake County. Sections of this area are both on and off leash, so pay attention to the signs and don’t forget a leash. Kids are also able to walk this area, as the elevation gain is very gradual. You can also choose the distance of your hike, as there are many trails and nice lookouts to stop at. Most people enjoy hiking to the “alien tower”, which has one of the best views of both Mt.Timpanogos and Lone Peak! This trail has zero water and very little shade, so its great for a sunrise or sunset hike with the pups. Bring plenty of water.


From SLC head south on I-15 and take exit 288. Turn right at the bottom of the ramp, and continue following Highland Drive. Continue for 3.4 miles on Traverse Ridge Rd. Turn right at the stop sign for Deer Ridge Dr. Drive 1 mile to the very end of this road where the trail begins. Here is a driving map.


Trail Info

Distance: 2+ miles RT

Elevation gain: 600 ft

Time: 1+ hours

Dog friendly? Yes! There are both on & off leash sections

Kid friendly? Yes!

Fees/Permits? None

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area

Official Deer Ridge Trailhead.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

There is ample parking at the end of or along the road. There is also a restroom and two pavilions. Enter the gate with the all signs.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

Now the fun begins! What’s so great about this hike is that the trail is extremely wide.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

The main trail, which creates a small loop, is off leash.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

I prefer hiking the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area in Winter since its 100% exposed. Charlie doesn’t do well with the heat anymore, so the colder the better for him!

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

Continue hiking the loop, and now a gradual uphill. In winter this section is always shaded and can be icy.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

Up the one and only hill we go! Ahh the sun felt great.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

Once again, If you hike off the main loop dogs are required to be on a leash. We skipped this so the dogs could keep running.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

Take the next right turn and hike up another hill. This will lead you to the Alien Tower.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

You are almost there when you hike up to backwards signs.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

Great day on the trail!

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

The “Draper Alien Tower”. This type of tower is actually called a “Triangulation Tower” – you can learn more about them here. You’ll see these on a lot of Utah peaks.

Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, Alien Tower

Awesome view of Lone Peak!


Trail Map

My track via Gaia GPS – the best tracking app! Get your app here for a discount.


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Hiking at the Deer Ridge Off Leash Area, draper utah trail, draper alien tower

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